Climate change and adaption

The frequency, distribution, intensity, and consequence of most natural hazards will change with the expected climate change. Climate change involves uncertainties concerning expected rainfall, temperature, permafrost, floods, erosion, landslides, storm surges, and sea levels- locally and globally.
NGI has expertise in the effects of climate change and climate adaptation for current natural hazards, in addition to assessing society-related risk and vulnerability.
Services related to climate adaptation
- mapping of natural hazards and risks
- assessment of climate adaptation measures Nature-based solutions (NBL)
- risk and vulnerability analysis (ROS)
- dissemination of knowledge and skills development
The municipalities, county councils, and the state are all responsible for ensuring that society is prepared for and adapted to climate change. They must work together to ensure that society is prepared to face it. Limiting climate-related risk is central to this work and taking advantage of climate change's benefits.
NGI has internationally recognized expertise in assessing the risk of natural damage and associated risks. The combination of research and consultancy gives us a unique starting point for guiding authorities, businesses, landowners, and others affected by climate change. We can offer services covering a range of natural hazards, tailoring solutions to local conditions and needs.
Research and development
The research effort at NGI related to climate change and climate adaptation covers
- the effect of climate change on various natural hazards
- nature-based solutions for climate change

Carl Bonnevie Harbitz
Expert Adviser Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics 922 39 636