Tailings dams

Large-scale mining generates large amounts of residual material. This is placed in massive landfills called tailings dams. The residual material of crushed stone and rock masses are mixed with water for transport to the landfill site. One thus often faces a challenge with runoff from tailings dams, which may contain contamination from the crushed rock mass.
Over the years, such dams can take on enormous dimensions in height and area. This can lead to significant settlements (deformations) and local landslides and landslides. In the worst case, catastrophic landslides with significant destruction and potential contamination from the leachate from the waste material.
Services related to tailings dams
- analysis and calculation of the dam structure and adjacent ground to assess the stability and the risk of slipping
- instrumented monitoring of deformations and pore pressure in the pond and adjacent ground
- assessment and planning of stabilizing measures to ensure slipping
- assessment of environmental risk and control of runoff water
- risk-and vulnerability analysis

Håkon Heyerdahl
Head of Section Slope Stability and Risk Assessment hakon.heyerdahl@ngi.no+47 951 25 767