Litterature list for slushflow literature
The reference list below for slush flow-related publications is an extensive collection of literature related to slush flows.

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Updated 15.04.2020
- Adams, W. P. (1966). Ablation and run-off on the White Glacier. Axel Heiberg Island Research Reports: Glaciology, 1, 84.
- Anderson, E. (1968). Development and testing of snow pack energy balance equations. Water Resources Research, 4(1), 19–36.
- Andreev, Y. (2000). Avalanche and mudflow risk mapping methods for road traffic and population. Internationale Symposion INTERPRAEVENT, 2, 181–188.
- Anma, S., Fukue, M., & Yamashita, K. (1988). Deforestation by slush avalanches and vegetation recovery on the eastern slope of Mt. Fuji. Internationales Symposion INTERPRAEVENT 1988, (Band 2), 133–156.
- Anma, S., Fukue, M., Yamashita, K., & Yamazaki, K. (1998). A history of hazardous slushflows around Mt. Fuji.
- Anma, S., Yamazaki, K., Jogasaki, M., & Fukue, M. (1995). Slush Avalanches and Debris Flows on Mt . Fuji in Early Winter. Proceedings of the 1995 IUFRO XX World Congress.
- Bales, R. (1992). Snowmelt and the ionic pulse. The Encyclopedia of Earth Science.
- Barsch, D., Gude, M., Mäusbacher, R., Schukraft, G., Schulte, A., & Strauch, D. (1993). Slush stream phenomena - process and geomprohic impact. Z. Geomorph. N.F., 92, 39–53.
- Beaudry, P. G., & Golding, D. L. (1983). Snowmelt during rain on snow in coastal British Columbia. In 51st Annual Western Snow Conference (p. 12). Vancouver, Canada: Western Snow Conference.
- Beaudry, P., & Golding, D. (1985). Snowmelt and runoff during rain-on-snow in forest and adjacent clearcut. Proceedings of the Snow Property Measurement ….
- Bengtsson, L. (1985). Characteristics of Snowmelt Induced Peak Flows in a Small Northern Basin. Nordic Hydrology, 16(3), 137–156.
- Berris, S. N., & Harr, R. D. (1987). Comparative snow accumulation and melt during rainfall in forested and clear-cut plots in the Western Cascades of Oregon. Water Resources Research, 23(1), 135–142.
- Beylich, A. A., & Gintz, D. (2004). Effects of high-magnitude/low-frequency fluvial events generated by intense snowmelt or heavy rainfall in arctic periglacial environments in northern Swedish Lapland and northern Siberia. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 86(1), 11–29.
- Blikra, L. H., & Nemec, W. (1998). Postglacial colluvium in western Norway: depositional processes, facies and palaeoclimatic record. Sedimentology, 45(5), 909–959.
- Blikra, L. H., & Sæmundson, T. (1998). The potential of sedimentology and stratigraphy in avalanche-hazard research. 25 Years of Snow Avalanche Research, Voss 1998, 203, 60–73.
- Blöschl, G. (1991). The Influence of Uncertainty in Air Temperature and Albedo on Snowmelt. Nordic Hydrology, 22(2), 95–108.
- Bozhinskiy, A. N., & Nazarov, A. N. (1998). Dynamics of two layer slushflows. 25 Years of Snow Avalanche Research, Voss 1998, 74–78.
- Breyfoggle, S. (1984). A note from the lowpass. The Avalanche Review, 2(5).
- Brun, E., & Rey, L. (1987). Field study on snow mechanical properties with special regard to liquid water content. IAHS Publication no.162, (162), 183–193.
- Brunengo, M. J. (1990). A method of modeling the frequency characteristics of daily snow amount, for stochastic simulation of rain-on-snowmelt events. In 58th Annual Western Snow Conference (p. 12). Sacramento, California, USA: Western Snow Conference.
- Chernouss, P., Tyapkina, O., Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (1998). The differentiation of thaws in connection with slushflow occurrences. 25 Years of Snow Avalanche Research, Voss 1998, (203), 89–93.
- Colbeck, S. C. (1977). Short-term forecasting of water run-off from snow and ice. Journal of Glaciology, 19(81), 571–588.
- Colbeck, S. C. (1972). A theory of water percolation in snow. Journal of Glaciology, 11(63), 369–385.
- Colbeck, S. C. (1982). An overview of seasonal snow metamorphism. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, 20(1), 45–61.
- Colbeck, S. (1973). Theory of Metamorphism of Wet Snow. CRRL Research Report, 313.
- Colbeck, S. (1973). Effects of Stratigraphic Layers on Water Flow Through Snow. CRRL Research Report, 311.
- Colbeck, S. (1979). Water flow through heterogeneous snow. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 1, 37–45.
- Conway, H., Breyfogle, S., & Wilbour, C. R. (1988). Observations relating to wet snow stability. In International Snow Science Workshop (pp. 211–222). Whistler, British Colombia, Canada.
- Conway, H., & Benedict, R. (1994). Infiltration of water into snow. Water Resources Research, 30(3), 641–649.
- Corner, G. D. (1980). Avalanche Impact Landforms in Troms, North Norway. Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography, 62(1/2), 1–10.
- Cottman, B. (1965). A wet snow avalanche on a slope of 12 degrees. U.S. Forest Service Publication, 69, 273–275.
- Day, T. J., & Gale, R. J. (1986). Geomorphology of some arctic gullies, Banks Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey Can.
- Decaulne, A., & Saemundsson, T. (2006). Geomorphic evidence for present-day snow-avalanche and debris-flow impact in the Icelandic Westfjords. Geomorphology, 80(1–2), 80–93.
- Dunne, T., Price, A., & Colbeck, S. (1976). The generation of runoff from subarctic snowpacks. Water Resources Research, 12(4), 677–685.
- Elder, K., & Kattelmann, R. (1993). A low-angle slushflow in the Kirgiz Range, Kirgizstan. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 4(July), 301–310.
- Erichsen, B., & Skogsrud, R. (1990). Utvikling av en fordelt snøsmeltemodell. Vannet I Norden, 4.
- Fergus, T., Høydal, Ø. A., Johnsrud, T.-E., Sandersen, F., & Schanche, S. (2011). Skogsveger og skredfare - veileder. Landbruks- og Matdepartementet.
- Fierz, C., A., R.L., Durand, Y., Etchevers, P., Greene, E., McClung, D. M., Nishimura, K., … Sokratov, S. A. (2009). The International Classification for Seasonal Snow on the Ground. Technical Documents in Hydrology, 83(1), 90.
- Fitzharris, B., Stewart, D., & Harrison, W. (1980). Contribution of snowmelt to the October 1978 flood of the Pomahaka and Fraser Rivers, Otago. Journal of Hydrology(New Zealand).
- Furbish, D. (1988). The influence of ice layers on the travel time of meltwater flow through a snowpack. Arctic and Alpine Research, 20(3), 265–272.
- Furdada, G., Martinez, P., Oller, P. E. R. E., & Vilaplanai, J. M. (1999). Slushflows at El Port del Comte, northeast Spain. Journal of Glaciology, 45(151), 555–558.
- Førland, E. J., & Kristoffersen, D. (1989). Estimation of Extreme Precipitation in Norway. Nordic Hydrology, 20(4), 257–276.
- Gardner, J. (1983). Observations on erosion by wet snow avalanches, Mount Rae area, Alberta, Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research, 15(2), 271–274.
- Gauer, P. (2004). Numerical modeling of a slush flow event. In International Snow Science Workshop 2004 (Vol. 0, pp. 39–43). Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Gómez-Villar, a, & Garcı́a-Ruiz, J. . (2000). Surface sediment characteristics and present dynamics in alluvial fans of the central Spanish Pyrenees. Geomorphology, 34(3–4), 127–144.
- Granger, R. J., & Gray, D. M. (1990). A Net Radiation Model for Calculating Daily Snowmelt in Open Environments. Nordic Hydrology, 21(4–5), 217–234.
- Grove, J., & Battagel, A. (1989). The rains of December 1743 in western Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 43, 215–220.
- Gude, M., & Scherer, D. (1997). Snowmelt and water movement in saturated snow layers of high latitude areas. In Proceedings of the 11 th Int. NRB Symposium and Workshop 1997, Alaska (Vol. 2, pp. 64–71).
- Gude, M., & Scherer, D. (1998). Snowmelt and slushflows: hydrological and hazard implications. Annals of Glaciology, 26, 381–384.
- Gude, M., & Scherer, D. (1999). Atmospheric triggering and geomorphic significance of fluvial events in high-latitude regions. Zeitschrift Für Geomorphologie, 115(Z. Geomorph. N.F. Suppl. 115), 87–111.
- Gude, M., & Scherer, D. (1995). Snowmelt and slush torrents: Preliminary report from a field campaign in Kärkevagge, Swedish Lappland. Geografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical Geography, 77(4), 199–206.
- Gussiås, A. (2011). Ros-analyser med hensyn til værrelaterte hendelser - Prosessveileder. Trafikksikkerhet, Miljø- Og Teknologiavd., Vegdirektoratet, (29), 40.
- Günther, G. (2006). Developement of an optical sensor for flow velocities in slushflows. Praktikumsbericht des 2. praktischen Studiensemsters (Vol. 0).
- Hardy, D. R. (1993). Snowmelt-induced slushflows, Ellesmere Island, NWT, Canada. In 50th Eastern Snow Conference 61st Eastern Snow Conference.
- Harr, R. D. (1986). Effects of Clearcutting on Rain-on-Snow Runoff in Western Oregon: A New Look at Old Studies. Water Resources Research, 22(7), 1095–1100.
- Harr, R. (1981). Some characteristics and consequences of snowmelt during rainfall in western Oregon. Journal of Hydrology, 53.
- Harstveit, K. (1984). Snowmelt modelling and energy exchange between the atmosphere and a melting snow cover. UiB Scientific Report. University of Bergen, Norway.
- Hattinger, H. (n.d.). Integraler schutz vor wildbächen, lawinen und erosion
- Hendrie, L., & Price, A. (1978). Energy balance and snowmelt in a deciduous forest. Proceedings on Modeling of Snow Cover Runoff SC ….
- Hestnes, E. (1994). Impact of rapid mass movement and drifting snow on the infrastructure and development of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. In 10th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop in Spitsbergen, August 28 - September 3, 1994 (p. 24).
- Hestnes, E. (1994). The thermal regime and hydrological conditions in Longyearbyen, Svalbard are a threat and a challenge to human activity. NGI Report 589100-3.
- Hestnes, E. (1998). Slushflow hazard control. An illustrated review of 25 years of experience with hazard mitigation. NGI Document, (814).
- Hestnes, E. (1997). A review of 25 years of experience with slushflow consulting and research. NGI Document, (2).
- Hestnes, E. (1996). Observations on water level fluctuations in snow due to rain and snowmelt. An illustrated review of basic characteristics. NGI Document.
- Hestnes, E. (1995). Objectives and procedures of an ongoing research project in Rana, North Norway. NGI Document.
- Hestnes, E. (1994). An analytical approach to basic relations between ground conditions, snowpack properties and water supply, critical to slushflow release and downslope propagation. NGI Document.
- Hestnes, E. (1999). Sørpeskred - Like destruktive som snøskred, men “lite kjent.” Fra Jordas Indre Til Atmosfærens Ytre, Oslo Geofysikeres Forening 50 År, 104–118.
- Hestnes, E. (1979). Hvilke hensyn på planleggerne ta hensyn til? (Natural hazards in land-use planning). Skredfare Og Arealplanlegging, Norske Sivilingeniørers Forening, 31.
- Hestnes, E. (n.d.). Skredfarevurdering (Natural Hazard Evaluation). NGI Årsberetning, 21.
- Hestnes, E. (1998). Slushflow hazard - where, why and when? 25 years of experience with slushflow consulting and research. Annals of Glaciology, 26, 370–376.
- Hestnes, E. (1985). A contribution to the prediction of slush avalanches. Annals of Glaciology, 6(Annals of Glaciology, 6), 1–4.
- Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (2006). Slushflow hazard prediction and warning. NGI Document, 10.
- Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (1995). Prediction of slushflow hazard - Objectives and procedures of an ongoing research project in Rana, North Norway. NGI Document, 0–7.
- Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (1993). Sørpeskred, Rana. NGI Document.
- Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (1996). Observations on water level fluctuations in snow due to rain and snowmelt. In Proccedings of the international conference on avalanches and related subjects, september 2-6, 1996, Kirovsk, Russia (p. 7). Kirovsk, Russia.
- Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (2010). Prediction of slushflow hazard based on data from local meteorological stations. 2010 International Snow Science Workshop, 660–663.
- Hestnes, E., & Bakkehøi, S. (2004). Slushflow hazard prediction and warning. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 45–51.
- Hestnes, E., Bakkehøi, S., & Kristensen, K. (2011). Slushflows - a challenging problem to authoreties and experts, (May 2010).
- Hestnes, E., Bakkehøi, S., & Kristensen, K. (2012). Slushflow formation, flow regimes and consequences (short version). In J. Johnson & H. Conway (Eds.), 2012 International Snow Science Workshop (p. 6). Anchorage, Alaska, USA: International Snow Science - Montana State University Library.
- Hestnes, E., Bakkehøi, S., Sandersen, F., & Andresen, L. (1987). Meteorological significance to slushflow release. NGI Document, 0–18.
- Hestnes, E., Bakkehøi, S., Sandersen, F., & Andresen, L. (1994). Weather and snowpack conditions essential to slushflow release and downslope propagation. In Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 1994 (pp. 40–57). Snowbird, Utah, USA.
- Hestnes, E., & Kristensen, K. (2010). The diversity of large slushflows illustrated by selected cases.
- Hestnes, E., & Lied, K. (1980). Natural-hazard maps for land-use planning in Norway. Journal of Glaciology, 26(94), 331–343.
- Hestnes, E., & Onesti, L. J. (1988). Slushflow Questionnaire - an illustrated review. NGI Document, 0–15.
- Hestnes, E., & Sandersen, F. (2000). The main principles of slushflow hazard mitigation. Internationales Symposion INTERPRAEVENT 2000, Band 2, 267–280.
- Hestnes, E., & Sandersen, F. (1995). Snø- og skredfare. Farevurdering (Snow avalanches and slushflows. Hazard evaluation). Byggforskserien.
- Hestnes, E., & Sandersen, F. (1987). Slushflow activity in the Rana district, North Norway. In H. Salm, B Gubler (Ed.), Avalanche formation, movement and effects, IAHS publication (Vol. 162, pp. 317–330). Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: IAHS Press.
- Heywood, L. (1989). Wet snow avalanches stability evaluation and control. The Avalanche Review, 7(5), 8.
- Hinzman, L. D., & Kane, D. L. (1991). Snow hydrology of a headwater Arctic basin: 2. Conceptual analysis and computer modeling. Water Resources Research, 27(6), 1111–1121.
- Izumi, K. (1987). Studies on the hardness of wet snow and its decrease due to solar radiation.
- Jackson, P. S., & Hunt, J. C. R. (1975). Turbulent wind flow over a low hill. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 101(430), 929–955.
- Jaedicke, C., Hestnes, E., & Høydal, Ø. A. (2013). A review on Slushflows. NGI Report. Oslo, Norway.
- Jaedicke, C., Høydal, Ø. A., & Midtbø, K. H. (2013). Identification of slushflow situations from regional weather models. In Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 2013, Grenoble, France (pp. 1–6).
- Jaedicke, C., Kern, M. A., Gauer, P., Baillifard, M., & Platzer, K. (2008). Chute experiments on slushflow dynamics. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 51, 156–167.
- Jahn, A. (1967). Some features of mass movement on Spitsbergen slopes. Geografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical Geography, 49(2), 213–225.
- Jomelli, V., & Bertran, P. (2001). Wet snow avalanche deposits in the French Alps: structure and sedimentology. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 83(1--2), 15–28.
- Jordan, P. (1983). Meltwater movement in a deep snowpack: 1. Field observations. Water Resources Research, 19(4), 971–978.
- Kamiishi, T., Izumi, K., & Kobayashi, S. (1994). Slushflow Disaster and Some Mechanical Characteristics of Slush [in Japanese]. Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 13(2), 205–215.
- Kattelmann, R. (1987). Water release from a forested snowpack during rainfall. In Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management - the Vancouver Symposium (pp. 265–272). Vancouver, Canada: the Vancouver Symposium.
- Kattelmann, R. (1987). Some measurements of water movement and storage in snow. IAHS Publication no.162, (162), 245–254.
- Kattelmann, R. (1985). Temperature indices of snowmelt during rainfall. In 53rd Annual Western Snow Conference (pp. 152–155). Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.: Western Snow Conference.
- Kattelmann, R. (1984). Wet slab instability. In International Snow Science Workshop (pp. 102–108). Aspen, Colerado, USA.
- Knight, C. (1988). Formation of slush on floating ice. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 15, 33–38.
- Kobayashi, S., & Izumi, K. (1989). Viscosity of slush. In First International Conference on Snow Engineering, CRREL Special Report 89-6 (Vol. 89–6, pp. 345–353).
- Koerner, R. M. (1961). Glaciological observations in Trinity Peninsula, Graham Land, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 3(30), 1063–1074.
- Kristensen, K. (1998). A survey of snow avalanche accidents in Norway. 25 Years of Snow Avalanche Research, Voss 1998, 203, 155–159.
- Kuhn, M. (1987). Micro-meteorological conditions for snow melt. J. Glaciol, 33(113), 24–26.
- Larocque, S., Hétu, B., & Filion, L. (2001). Geomorphic and dendroecological impacts of slushflows in central Gaspé Peninsula (Québec, Canada). Geografiska Annaler: Series A, …, 83A(4), 191–201.
- Lewkowicz, A. G., & Hartshorn, J. (1998). Terrestrial record of rapid mass movements in the Sawtooth Range, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35(1), 55–64.
- Luckman, B. (1977). The geomorphic activity of snow avalanches. Geografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical Geography, 59(1), 31–48.
- Male, D. H. (1980). The seasonal snowcover. In S. C. Colbeck (Ed.), Dynamics of snow and ice masses.
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- Martinec, J. (1987). Meltwater percolation through an alpine snowpack. In Avalanche formation, movement and effects, IAHS publication 162 (pp. 255–264). Davos, Switzerland.
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- McRoberts, E. C., & Morgensteern, N. R. (1974). The Stability of Thawing Slopes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 11(4), 447–469.
- Moore, R. D., & Owens, I. F. (1984). Controls on Advective Snowmelt in a Maritime Alpine Basin. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, 23(January), 135–142.
- Müller, F. (1966). Discussion of slush avalanches in northern Greenland and the classification of rapid mass movement. IAHS Publication no.69, 69, 272.
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- Nobles, L. H. (1966). Slush avalanches in northern Greenland and the classification of rapid mass movement. IAHS Publication no.69, 69, 267–272.
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