Breaking News
NGI is thrilled to announce our participation in the upcoming EAGE Annual 2024 in Oslo, from June 9-14!

The event is organized with the essential support of local advisors and we want to give a special thanks to Maarten Vanneste for being an essential part of the Local Advisory Committee and also to Dyre Damman who's organizing the Exhibition Booth and Magnus Soldal for organizing the Lab Trip.

We'll be promoting the InSAR service "inio" by NGI and KSAT and contributing with 20 insightful sessions, including two Fields trip on "Faults and Folds in Oslo Region" and "NGI Laboratory Visit", two workshops on "Fault Characterization Challenges" and "Quantitative Ground models for Offshore Renewables" and talks on the latest advancements and innovations in geosciences and engineering. Don't miss the opportunity to meet us there!